Sunday 30 January 2011

Hold - Beauty

Here's Beauty, starting to learn Hold, which will be the basis of Retrieve, and Carry.

She came to me for a fuss, so I put a small price on her getting fuss, she had to let me gently cup her chin, then hold my fingers near her teeth, then finally she had to accept my fingers just under her lips. Next stage is accepting my fingers in her mouth, then an item. It looks like I'm holding her, but I'm not. She was free to move away at any time. To be continued!

I look a bit like death warmed up, sorry if any small children have had to be taken screaming out of the room... On the course John did the same with a Saluki, but better and faster!

Stay - Scamp

Yet another blog by me, sorry!

I've been on enough courses that I need to get going on my training services, so here's me practising teaching 'Stay' or perhaps better titled - Settle.

This is Scamp's second attempt. As you can see, straining to get to the munchies to start with, then realises he can get all he ever wanted just by settling back and relaxing. This would be extended to a much longer settle over time. In India this was made much easier by putting the trainer in the midday sun, and the dog in a patch of shade!

Fred learnt his Stay a different way, so he's not so 'dramatic' and of course Beauty, being a Greyhound, has a natural Settle! Hopefully I can 'make use' of all three as I train.

I firmly believe my dogs need to be perfect at something before I begin to teach others!